Tai Chi: moving for a better balance
August 8 - October 26
Tuesdays and Thursdays
9am-10:30am & 10:45am-12:15pm
Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance is an exercise program developed especially for older adults using modified practices designed to improve and strengthen balance and mobility. Classes are intended for beginners. Canes and walkers are welcome. This class is proven to reduce falls by 55 percent and is developed with YOU in mind.
For more information or to register for classes, e-mail Fall.Prevention.Program@ventura.org or call 805-477-7300 option 6.
Stepping on
Class resumes in October
check back for updates
Stepping On is designed for individuals 60 and older who have fallen or who are fearful of falling. Participants have access to a physical therapist who teaches strength and balance exercises, a vision expert, a public safety expert, and a pharmacist who will discuss fall risks associated with certain medications.
Participants should not have dementia and should not be reliant on a walker. Individuals should be motivated to exercise with gradual use of leg weights at home.
For more information or to register for classes please call 805-477-7300 option 6.

A Matter of Balance
August 15 - October 3
Ventura County Area Agency on Aging’s Fall Prevention Program presents A MATTER OF BALANCE. A MATTER OF BALANCE is designed for those 60 and older who are inactive with poor balance, who have fallen, and who may have developed a fear of falling. Participants should expect to begin an easy-to-do exercise regimen to improve balance, strength, flexibility, and self-confidence. This class is held once a week
for eight weeks and includes chair-based exercises.
For more information or to register for classes, e-mail Fall.Prevention.Program@ventura.org or call 805-477-7300 option 6.