Ray D. Prueter Library Mural Project
The City of Port Hueneme in collaboration with the Ventura County Library (VCL) and the Oxnard Performing Arts Center Corporation (OPAC) are requesting artists and artist teams based in Ventura, Santa Barbara, and Los Angeles Counties to submit qualifications to be considered for a mural project. The project will be located at the Ray D. Prueter Library, 510 Park Ave, Port Hueneme, California.
This public art project is an investment in the regional arts community and in the City’s aspiration in establishing itself as a vibrant place to live, work, and play. This project is anticipated to celebrate the City of Port Hueneme’s past, present, and future in honor of its 75th anniversary. This mural project, made possible through the City of Port Hueneme and Part of Hueneme Community Benefit Fund, is moving in coordination with improvements to the Ray D. Prueter Library and the adjacent Richard Bard Bubbling Springs Park. This project will be open to a wide variety of artistic styles and approaches that will be informed by a set of guidelines provided by the project team.
The purpose of the request for qualifications is to streamline the artist selection process. By applying, a small number of qualified professional artists (3) will be selected and invited to create a proposal for a permanent large-scale outdoor two-dimensional mural installation. The dimensions for the two walls to be considered for the artwork are approximately 19’ high x 43’ wide (facing the parking lot), and 15’ high x 19’ wide (facing Park Ave).
Request For Qualifications
Entry Deadline: 12/31/23
Work Sample Requirements
Images | Minimum: 6, Maximum: 10
Total Samples | Minimum: 6, Maximum: 10
Call Type: Public Art Mural
Eligibility: Ventura, Los Angeles, and Santa Barbara Counties
State: California
Budget: Selected (3) finalists will be paid $800 to develop design proposals for mural committee consideration, budget for final mural project $24,000
Guiding principles
Create an artwork and atmosphere conducive to and appropriate for a public learning environment.
Set the tone and a precedent for a citywide mural/public art program.
Suggested considerations are, but are not limited to: natural environment, local history, community, to be engaging, and inclusive.
The artist or artist team must be open to conversations and community engagement to receive feedback and direction.
The artwork design should consider the site specificity of the project location, the environment and focus of the library and the diversity of the community it serves.
Artist + Art Selection Criteria
Artist experience and qualifications relevant to the scale of the project.
Artistic merit, high-quality and unique design.
Probability of successful completion of the project.
Compatibility with the site, e.g. function of site, size and materials.
Compliance with all safety requirements.
Requires low maintenance and low-cost repairs and/or replacement.
Stands up to Ventura County coastal weather.
Application Requirements
Applications must be submitted by email or through an online submission form. To be considered, please submit ALL requested information. Failure to do so may result in disqualification. To email your submission, compile all information and images into a single PDF and email this document to muralproject@theOPAC.org. Otherwise, click the link below to submit online.
A complete application must include:
Artist resume demonstrating a minimum of five (5) years of professional visual art experience. If submitting as a team, a current resume should be submitted for each team member (compiled into one document). A biography will not be accepted in place of a resume. Please limit the resume to a maximum of 2 pages with information focused on what is most relevant to this project.
Artist statement/biography (150 words of less) that explains the artist or artist team’s practice. Statement of interest describing (600 words or less):
Previous experience with public art and/or large-scale projects
Please describe your experience with projects that include community engagement.
How you believe your art will enhance this community library and the surrounding community.
References that include the names and current contact information for three (3) individuals with whom you have worked for, or collaborated with, that can speak to your abilities to execute a large-scale public art project. References will be contacted for artists invited to develop a proposal for the commission.
Six (6) to ten (10) Images of your original completed artworks, not proposals, which demonstrate your qualifications for the project. 3-D models, sketches, or drawings will not be accepted. Some of the samples should show the artists ability to execute large-scale public works of art. Examples of work submitted must be original, recently completed artwork (within the last 15 years). Each artwork must contain only one image with only one view of the work. Multiple views per artwork or unexecuted conceptual projects will not be considered and may disqualify your submission.You must include a corresponding list for the images of the samples submitted that includes: the title, medium, dimensions, project budget, year completed, location, and a brief description.
Each artist or artist team (3) selected to advance to the proposal phase will receive a $800 honorarium for the development of their proposal. The artist or artist team awarded the project by the committee will receive a fee of $24,000 for the design of the artwork, oversight, installation of the mural, and participation with community engagement and feedback. This total amount includes fabrication, installation and other associated costs.
Eligibility Criteria
This call for artists is open to professional artists 18 years of age and older, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender identification, military status, sexual orientation, marital status, or physical ability. Artist teams may apply and must designate one artist as the lead contact. Artists must reside in Ventura, Santa Barbara, or Los Angeles Counties.
Selection Process
A review committee will evaluate each applicants’ qualifications and create a short-list of artists to be considered for the project. Once the short-list is established, the project committee, made up of key community stakeholders, City and County representatives, and arts professionals will invite a small number of qualified artists and/or artist teams to submit a proposal based on the project guidelines.
The artist or artist team selected to complete the project will be expected to take direction from the City of Port Hueneme mural committee and to make all adjustments to the design as needed. The City of Port Hueneme reserves the right for final approval(s) of the artist’s or artist team’s design.
Insurance Requirements
Selected artist/artist teams will be required to have Commercial General Liability Insurance ($1mil) and Automobile Insurance (if applicable).
Project Timeline
December 2023
Technical Assistance Workshop- 12/16/2023 from 1 pm - 2:30 pm
@ The Ray D. Prueter Library, 510 Park Avenue, Port Hueneme, CA 93041
RFQ deadline for submissions- 12/31/2023
January 2024
(3) Finalists selected
February 2024
Site Tour and Information Session for Finalists
November 2023
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Release
April 2024
Selected Artist/Team Provides Community Engagement Plan
June 2024
Artist/Team Submits Mural Design(s) to Mural Committee
Community Presentation/Feedback
July 2024
Mural Design Final Approval
August/ September 2024
October 2024
Project Unveiling and Community Celebration
Technical Assistance
Questions and inquiries can be directed to:
Technical Assistance Workshop
12/16/2023 from 1 pm - 2:30 pm
@ The Ray D. Prueter Library, 510 Park Avenue, Port Hueneme, CA 93041